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Energy Audit & Efficiency Tests

The current fuel market is volatile, and oil and natural gas prices may spike at any time. To combat rising home heating costs, many homeowners are investing in energy audits. An audit entails detailed tests and evaluations performed by experts to determine how much energy your home loses due to inefficient appliances, insulation, or construction, as well as age and deterioration.

A thorough, high-quality audit utilizes two major devices: a calibrated blower door and infrared scanners or cameras. A blower door is a high-powered fan that attaches to a doorframe and sucks air out of your house so that the amount of air leaking into and out of the house can be measured. Infrared cameras read temperature variations within your house and help locate the causes. They can also see where insulation is missing or weak.

A complete audit takes several hours and will test different areas of your house, especially windows, doors, and attic insulation. When the audit is finished, the technician will explain where you are losing energy in your home and suggest what steps to take in order to increase your efficiency. A price estimate for the advised changes will also be supplied. Recommendations call for renovations or replacements that may seem expensive, but you will most likely recoup your money in a few years by saving on energy bills. Not only will an energy audit decrease your expenses, it will help to improve your comfort and health. All homes require a certain balance between sealing and ventilation that ensures optimal energy efficiency and also decreases indoor pollution and damage to your home due to moisture condensation.

The average residential audit costs about $200-$400, but New York State offers rebates to help cover the cost. There are also some state incentive programs for applying an audit’s findings and making the improvements. Some measures, such as replacing or adding attic insulation, are relatively inexpensive when considering how quickly the expense will be recovered. It’s a good idea to schedule an audit if you have an old home; modern building codes take energy efficiency into account, whereas older homes may not have been built to these standards.

For more information on energy audits and efficiency testing, call or contact us online today.